The first foreign student of the university to receive temporary residence permit for the purpose of education (TRPE). It is the student of the Medical Institute Ali Samir Sabbri Hemdan from Egypt. A passport with a new mark was handed to him by the head of the department for permitting and visa work, Larisa Popova.

The Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Komi has repeatedly met with foreign students to explain the procedures for obtaining permits, clarify the list of required documents and their validity periods, as well as the terms for considering foreign citizens’ applications. At these meetings, university students actively asked questions about obtaining citizenship of the Russian Federation.

From January 1, 2023, foreign citizens studying in state educational or state scientific organizations under programs that have state accreditation can receive TRPE. Foreign students studying full-time under the programs of: bachelor’s degree, specialist’s degree, master’s degree, internship, assistantship-internship, training of scientific or scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture) can apply for TRPE.
Upon receipt of the TRPE, students of visa countries are issued a visa for the entire period of study and 180 days after the end of study. A student who has a TRPE does not need to undergo an annual medical examination. Another advantage is the simplified procedure for obtaining a residence permit at the end of the TRPE.

The international department of the university assists foreign students in obtaining this public service. For more information, please contact room 349..
According to the materials of the International Department of SyktSU.
Photo courtesy of the International Department.