Director’s welcome speech
Dear applicants!
The Institute of Natural Sciences invites you to study in educational programs of bachelor’s and master’s degrees – Chemistry, Biology, Ecology and Nature Use, Biotechnology and Pedagogical Education.
The knowledge in the field of Natural Sciences allows to use environmental resources wisely and preserve our environment for the future generations. Our graduates are in demand both in Russia and abroad.
There is a large amount of factors that influence the demand for specialists at labour market. But today, as it turned out, the epidemiological situation in the country and also in the world can make its own correctives. Thus, the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko believes that Chemistry and Biology will come to the fore in the near future.
Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, sees priorities in the development of such Natural Sciences as Genetics and Biotechnology.
By becoming a student of the Institute, you will acquire theoretical knowledge, practical skills and professional competencies in the field of Natural Sciences, both necessary in everyday life and in becoming a highly qualified specialist in the field you’ve chosen.
The graduates of the Institute are well employed and are in demand in the educational, scientific and industrial spheres.
We are always glad to see you in the territory of the new opportunities.
Director of the Institute

The Institute conducts training of specialists in the following educational programs:
Educational program
Profile (Year of entry)
Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Expertise and Environmental Compliance (2017-2020)
Geology and Natural Resources (2018)
Cartography and geoinformatics
GIS Technologies in Rational Natural Resource Use and Environmental Protection (2017)
Ecology and Natural Resource Use
Environmental Compliance (2018)
Geoecology and Environmental Management (2019, 2020)
General Biology (2017)
Biological Systems and Biotechnologies (2018-2020)
Teacher Education (with two qualifying profiles)
Biology. Geography (2016-2017, 2019-2020)
Chemistry. Biology (2018)
Chemistry of Natural and Synthetic Objects (2019, 2020)
Ecology and Natural Resource Use
Environmental Compliance and Environmental Management in the Arctic Region (2019, 2020)
Functioning of Biological Systems (2019, 2020)
Environmental Biotechnology and Cell Engineering (2019, 2020)
Teacher Education
Technology of Project-Based Teaching of Biology and Chemistry (2020)
Postgraduate studies
Chemical Sciences
Organic Chemistry (2018)
Biological Sciences
Ecology (2017, 2019, 2020)

History of the Institute
The Institute of Natural Sciences was established on July 1, 2011 by a merger of the Faculty of Geology with the Chemical-Biological Faculty of Syktyvkar State University.
Institute of Natural Sciences of Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University is an acknowledged leader in qualifying specialists in the field of Natural Sciences.
The Institute consists of four departments: Chemistry, Biology, Ecology and Geology, the Department of Natural-Science Education. They carry out activities on educational programs of higher education – bachelor’s, master’s, and postgraduate programs.

International achievements
Professors and students of the Institute of Natural Sciences actively participate in International scientific conferences, conduct collaborative studies, which are also recorded in the International publications.
Professors take part in instructional schools for international students conducted by the International Department of the University.
Postgraduate students in the educational program 06.06.01 Biological Sciences (profile “Ecology”) Elena Platonova and Darya Yakovleva, and a graduate of the Department of the Ecology, the candidate of biological sciences, senior research worker of the Institute of Biology of the Federal Research Center “Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences” Ekaterina Proshkina are currently taking part in the work on the project of fundamental research, supported jointly by the Russian Foundation for basic research and the National research Foundation of Korea, on-topic “An anti-age effect of Aronia berries and its molecular mechanism research” in collaboration with scientists from the faculty of biological Sciences, INHA University (Incheon-Hawaii), (Incheon, South Korea).

Scientific activity
Since 2017, the Institute of Natural Sciences of Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University implements the strategic project of the program of the flagship university “Longevity and quality of life in the North”. Health, active longevity and the quality of human life are the basis for the sustainable development of the Komi Republic and other northern territories. The project is aimed at realization scientific, educational and educative activities in order to improve the quality and increase the duration of life of the population in the North.

Material-and-technical base
The Institute of Natural Sciences is located in a separate, specially equipped academic building and has modern laboratories, computer classes, a unique zoological museum, an educational and scientific herbarium and a library. Also, a biological station, a botanical garden and an agricultural field are at the disposal of the students of the Institute.