Syktyvkar, Kommunisticheskaya street, 25.
Tel.: +7(8212) 206-860, +7(8212) 206-869
E-mail: ipp@syktsu.ru
The history of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology began in 1975, when a department of primary school teachers was opened at the philological faculty of the Komi State Pedagogical Institute. And in November 1977, the order of creation of the Faculty of Primary Classes was issued, later renamed the Faculty of Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education. The first admission consisted of only two groups, and the most memorable was the third graduation of teachers in 1981, whose students laid the foundations for the traditions that exist at the institute to this day: dedication to students, the last bell, creative competitions and reports on the results of practice. Faculty professors conducted scientific research in different subject areas, involving students in scientific projects, defended dissertations, participated in various scientific forums, published in Russian and international scientific periodicals.
In 2015, the faculty became part of Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University and was renamed as the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology. The Institute is a large and cohesive team, a notable feature of which is the unification of professors who carry out their professional activities in various educational fields: pedagogy and psychology, mathematics and natural science, the Russian language and Children’s literature, Music and Fine Art. The academic staff is constantly updating not only the content, but also the training methodology of students to university disciplines, using modern information technologies and resources. Many professors are graduates of the Institute.
The history of the development of the institute is the history of the development of its departments: the first was the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, from which the Departments of Pedagogy and Psychology and Methods of Primary Education were subsequently separated; later, as a result of the reorganization of the departments, the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool Education was created; then, to the beginning of the training of students in new specialties, the Departments of Methods of Teaching the Russian and Komi languages, and of Developmental Psychology appeared.
Now the structure of the Institute includes:
• Department of Primary Education (The head of the department is Vita Fedorovna Poberezkaya, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor)
• Department of Preschool Education (The head of the Department is Elena Leonidovna Egorova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor)
• Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education (The head of the Department is Svetlana Dmitrievna Sazhina, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor)
The Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology has always been distinguished by the desire to search for new ways of development: new and additional specialties, specializations were opened and still opened on its basis, educational programs are being updated; scientific and practical conferences are held; modern educational technologies are actively used in the educational process.
The purpose and objectives of the Institute
Purpose: Ensuring of high quality of training of academic staff in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education and the professional standard “Pedagogue (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)”.
Academic staff
The institute employs a collective of professors and specialists, which includes 18 candidates of pedagogical sciences, 2 candidates of psychological sciences, 2 candidates of philological sciences, 1 doctor of pedagogical sciences.
Director of the Institute

Svetlana Nikolaevna Terentyeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Higher education
Komi State Pedagogical Institute (1995, diploma with honors)
Specialty “Pedagogy and methods of primary education”
Dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences at the Institute of National Education Problems in Moscow on the topic “Teaching the dialogic speech of second-grade students with no knowledge of the Komi language” (2003)
Professional retraining in the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University “Pedagogue of vocational education and additional vocational education. Education and Pedagogical Sciences “(2019)
List of training programs
- 44.03.01 “Pedagogical education” profiles: “Primary education”, “Preschool education” (internal and extramural education)
- 44.03.02 “Psychological-pedagogical education” profiles: “Psychology of education”, “Pedagogy and psychology of primary education”, “Pedagogy and psychology of preschool education” (internal and extramural education)
- 44.03.03 “Special (defectological) education” profiles: “Speech therapy”, “Preschool defectology” (internal and extramural education)
- 03.44.05 “Pedagogical education (with two training profiles)” profiles: “Preschool education. Additional education”, “Primary education. Additional education”
- 44.04.01 “Pedagogical education” master’s programs: “Methodological support of the educational process”, “Management in education” (extramural education)
- 44.04.02 “Psychological-pedagogical education” master’s programs: “Management in education”, “Pedagogy and psychology of primary education”, “Inclusive education” (extramural education)
Postgraduate studies:
- 44.06.01 “Education and pedagogical sciences” propensity: “General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education” (extramural education)
Events / conferences / meetings
All-Russian scientific-practical conference “Innovative processes of education development: experience and prospects” (annually – November)
Regional scientific-practical conference “Prospects and realities of teacher education” (annually – April)
Association of Defectologists of the Komi Republic
National-regional competition “Talented Me” of ethnocultural and regional natural history orientation for children and youth
Competition “I will be a teacher”
Competition “Pedagogical Debut: First Steps”
Festival of pedagogical ideas “Ethnolarian” (“Ethno Casket”)
Material and technical base
Laboratory of ethnocultural and regional natural history orientation “EthnoLabKomi” (created with the support of the grant project “My Fatherland – Komi Land” (minutes of the meeting of the competition committee of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2019)
Virtual Museum of Teaching of the Komi Republic (2020)
Lectures and practical classes are held in the auditoriums of the Institute, equipped with visual-didactic materials and computers.
(Фотографии 411, 131, 132, 135/136)
Famous graduates

Marina Ivanovna Vakhnina

Oleg Alexandrovich Kholopov

Borisovna Shumilova