Currently part of the SSU them. Pitirim Sorokin has the following institutes: Humanities, Natural Sciences, Foreign Languages, History and Law, Culture and Arts, Medical, Management and Entrepreneurship, Pedagogy and Psychology, Social Technologies, Exact Sciences and Information Technologies, Economics and Finance, Legal, and also individual educational programs, continuing education. The structure of the university also includes the College of Economics, Law and Informatics, the Museum of the History of Enlightenment of the Komi Region, the Museum of Archeology and Ethnography, the Zoological Museum, the Museum of the History of Komi Pedagogical Institute, the virtual branch of the Russian Museum, the Botanical Garden, a biostation, a center of artistic creativity, a sanatorium and preventorium, swimming swimming pool, gyms, ski base. Since 1991, the Komi Republican face has been operating at SSU. The university has three levels of education: graduate, undergraduate, specialty. Teaching work is carried out by highly qualified teachers, doctors and …