The discussion club “Countries of the World: Politics, Culture and Entrepreneurship” will be opened in August at Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University. It will act as part of the Research Center for Corporate Law, Management and Venture Investment (a member of the UN Global Compact Network).
The idea to create a discussion club arose to unite students from different countries who study at Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University (SyktSU) and have similar interests. The co-chairmen of this club are Professor Arif Shikhverdiev and Master of SyktSU Sam Andrew Kenneth (Ghana). It is planned that Sergey Zmiyak, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of World Economy and International Economic Relations, Don State Technical University will become the Club’s consultant. Also, the organizing committee of the Club included international students of our university:
Mansour Marian Adli Wakim, Egypt (Medical Institute);
Opoku Akosua Aduofua, Ghana (Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship);
Amer Yasir Hasan Mohamed, Sudan (Institute of Exact Sciences and Information Technology);
Al Majadji Abdeljallil, Algeria (Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship);
Al Majadzhi Riad Cherif, Algeria (Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship);
Khokhar Paridhi, India (Medical Institute);
Oyeranmi Samson Gbolahan, Nigeria (Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship);
Simise Sivakhile Nkambule, Kingdom of Eswatini (Medical Institute).

– Last year, as part of our Master’s program in Project Management, we often held discussions with the participation of international students on the possible problems of entrepreneurship development and the role of the state in various African countries. This year we decided to try to organize and conduct these discussions at the university level with the participation of all international students. We also took into account the desire of the students to create such a club where you can discuss issues of politics, culture and business in different countries (of course, mainly those where our students came from), as well as identify problematic aspects in various areas and think about how a graduate student can take part in solving such problematic issues for his country. The club can become a platform for communication between international and Russian students, which is very important from the international interaction point of view. We plan to invite international students from other universities in the Russian Federation and possibly students from foreign universities. After all, every international student of our university has friends and acquaintances in different Russian universities and in other countries”, – said the co-chairman of the Club, Professor Arif Shikhverdiev.

– It’s very good that we are creating such a club. Professor Shikhverdiyev and I have already created a similar platform for a narrow circle of participants, and now we are thinking of making it a university-wide one and invite all university students from other countries. We will discuss issues related to various states and find various options for their solution. We have a team to organize the work of the Club, and, most importantly, all international students will like it. I hope that we will see not only international students, but also students from Russia on the discussion platform, as well as university teachers. It will be a huge experience for us: working together as a team, we learn from professionals and educate each other. For the first meeting of the Club, the theme “Possible options for the development of entrepreneurship in Ghana” was announced. I am from Ghana and study in the Master’s program “Project Management” with Professor Arif Shikhverdiev, – said the co-chairman of the Club Sam Andrew Kenneth.
Anyone who has suggestions for the work of the Discussion Club can contact
Materials prepared by Sam Andrew Kenneth
Photo by N.I. Obrezkov