The Ministry of Science and High Education of the Russian Federation, under the instruction of the Government of Russia Federation, recommends to all the Universities to continue the education process in on-line regime in order to decrease as much as possible the emergency of coronavirus outbreak in Russia (

Due to the declared state of emergency in Russia, being obliged to follow the recommendations by the Ministry, the Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, the flagship University of the Komi Republic, has decided to close the campuses since March, 16 till April, 12. All courses will be delivered online and other support services will be available through remote accesses. Furthermore, at the moment we cannot be sure that the off-line courses will be resumed on 12.4.2020: there is a possibility that the courses will be continued to be offered online for some time after that. We will keep students updated.
In order to organize the on-line education, the Syktyvkar University will use its own on-line educational courses as well as the open courses provided by other universities and other digital technologies. We recommend all the students to check regularly the information in our Campus on-line system ( If you have any problems with registering in it and/or accessing it, please, inform the International Department or the administrative staff in Your Institute via e-mail. In the Campus system you can find additional study materials, tests, additional information. This system will automatically monitor you education activity and inform your professors about it. Academic staff in every Institute are ready to communicate with students in every possible way: on-line conferences, e-mails, social networks and messengers.
The Acting Rector of the Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar University Olga Sotnikova emphasized that the situation with COVID spreading is under control and invoked all the professors, administrative staff and students not to panic!
– In our University we use all possible ways to protect our students and teachers from the COVID infection. Education will continue in the on-line regime, and I wish to say that we are already use this way of education and that students know how it can be used. In our University, all the public events are temporarily canceled and all the campuses get disinfected every day. All students and administrative staff were informed about the ways to react to the possible symptoms of this infection: you should immediately inform your doctor in the Polyclinic or Medical Center about fever, cough or other signs of disease.
– In addition we should clarify that the information about one of our international students being infected by COVID is false and that for a moment not a single international student has any symptoms of COVID infection or was tested for this infection positively.