2020 for Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, as for many other universities and mankind in general, was a real test of strength.
Despite the need to integrate into the new reality, the university not only maintained its existing positions, but also strengthened them: we successfully passed remote diploma defenses and the first online admission campaign, launched new educational programs, and implemented major projects related to the immediate life of the university and student initiatives. Our main achievements are mentioned below:

The University has successfully passed accreditation

On December 29, the procedure for state accreditation of educational activities of Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University was completed in 83 areas of training and specialties implemented at the university. The University received an expert opinion on the compliance of the declared educational programs with the requirements of Federal state educational standards.

University in the National rating

The Brand of Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University was included in the hundred best universities in Russia. In the XI annual national ranking of universities from Interfax for 2020, the flagship University of the region was fixed in the middle of the list in terms of the total amount of indicators, with a total result of 360 points in the consolidated ranking, taking 150-154 place out of 337. From year to year, the university improves its own results in the parameter “Education” – in 2020, it is on 110-111 lines. Syktyvkar University was ranked in the top 100 by the “Brand” parameter, which takes into account the University’s media activity, the perception of the University’s research by the International academic community and the Russian-speaking academic community. Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University significantly increased in the ranking according to the parameter “Research” – 121 place against 143 and 148 in the past two years.

National University rating
Independent evaluation of universities

Repairs in the dormitories and educational buildings

In 2020, a lot of work was done to replace bathrooms in dormitories. This work will continue next year in four dormitories: work will be carried out to create an accessible environment for people with disabilities.

By the end of 2020, one of the educational buildings was transformed — the work touched the facade and the sports hall, where oak parquet is laid – a unique wear-resistant coating, which is available in only a few sports institutions of the republic.

Health issues

This year, special attention was paid to the health of employees and students of our University. So, in connection with the pandemic, the University’s Medical Centre developed a Rehabilitation Program after COVID-19 and began its implementation in September 2020.

Along with this, the material and technical base of the Medical Centre was strengthened. New rooms were equipped: an ultrasound diagnostics room was equipped with a modern ultrasound device of expert class, a gynecologist’s office was equipped with a modern colposcope, a neurologist’s officeand a chiropractor’s office were also equipped with the necessary devices.

Medical students of all courses of the Medical Institute (also the international students) went to the hospitals of Syktyvkar and the Komi Republic to help doctors, for which they received gratitude from the head of the Komi Republic. Some students who already had a secondary medical education worked in medical organizations under an employment contract, and junior students helped as volunteers.

Dear students! Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! We wish you good health, good mood, and good luck! May the New Year bring prosperity and strengthen faith in the future!

Media Centre “Verbum”