With the beginning of the academic year the ranks of students of Syktyvkar State University were filled with students not only from Russia but also from other countries. So, 86 students from India, Nepal, Ghana, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Zambia, Palestine, Jordan, Algeria, Iraq, Egypt and CIS countries came to our University to study. Arriving from warm countries, most of them immediately plunged into the northern climate of the Komi Republic.Verbum asked them how they were experiencing the Russian cold, what interesting things they discovered in Syktyvkar, how they study in Russia.

Hana Hani, from Egypt,
1st year, Medical Institute
About Syktyvkar: I like the city and the weather in it, but sometimes it is very cold. It’s a little inconvenient.
About study: It’s cool to study at the University. I want to be a real doctor. The study is going well, but I noticed that the Russian language is very difficult! Sometimes things aren’t clear.
About prices: Of Course, there is a difference between prices in my country and in Syktyvkar, but I am satisfied.
About the dormitory: Basicly it is not bad, but, of course, not everyone likes everything, but you can live!

Mustafa Faisal Qadir, from Iraq,
1st year, Medical Institute
About Syktyvkar: it’s Cold, but there are good people in Syktyvkar. The climate is very different from the native country. It is quite warm in the Middle East, so it is too cold for me in Russia. Because of this, I’m a little sick, but I’m sure I’ll soon get used to the new weather conditions. I like the city, however, because of my studies I do not have enough time to fully see it.
About study: I study the basics of medicine. To be honest, it was my dream to come to Russia and become a real doctor. I am very happy that it has come true. When I get my degree, I’ll be the one who can do something useful for the country I live in.
About prices: Food prices suit me, no more and no less.
About the dormitory: The rooms seem to me too small and insufficiently equipped, but basicly everything is quite good.

Sayed Hassan, from Egypt,
1st year, student, trainee on «Russian as a foreign language» course.
(studying Russian, since March-physics and mathematics, preparing to enter the Samara University for aviation engineer)
About Syktyvkar: It is a very beautiful city! I’ve already been in the Museum and taken some pictures. I like the climate, surprisingly, I love the cold and winter.
About study: I study to be an engineer. It’s very difficult, but I keep trying again and again, and I’m starting to get it! In the future I want to associate myself with this profession. Well, if it does not work, I will be an actor, a writer or a photographer.
About prices: Of course, it is sometimes expensive, but it’s worth it!
About the dormitory: I live in a dormitory and it is comfortable. The only drawback is the shared showers. I think that every student should have their own bathroom.

Anas Safadi, from Palestine,
1st year, Medical Institute
About Syktyvkar: It is a very good city, but the climate is cold, just abnormal for students from other countries. I’m not so long in the city and I have not explored all, but I have heard about museums and churches. I will visit them soon.
About study: I liked the University and study in it. There are very experienced teachers and good education.
About prices: It is cheaper in Syktyvkar than at home, and I take into account not only products, but also clothes, study.
About the dormitory: I like it. Very good and kind students live here, but, in my opinion, the kitchen and toilet should not be shared.
Anna Ivanova, photos by Arina Reichman and from open sources