The Komi State Pedagogical Institute was established on the basis of a decree of the Council of People’s Commissars of the RSFSR on November 18, 1931; On November 1, 1931, Order No. 1 of the KSPI, A.F. Bogdanov, proceeded to organize the university. The grand opening took place on February 21, 1932: 12 teachers, 127 students; departments: socio-literary, physico-technical, chemical and biological. In 1934, a biennial Teacher’s Institute for the preparation of teachers of incomplete secondary schools was established (closed in 1954). In 1936, an open correspondence department was open, there were four faculties: historical, language and literature (philological), physical and mathematical, natural science; the first educational building was built in 1938 (architect I.A. Minin), before that the State Pedagogical Institute was housed for six months in a building at the corner of Sovetskaya Pushkin, then in the building of the former Theological School; in 1965 the second building was built. Since 1932, about 30 thousand specialists have been trained: more than 1,200 honored teachers, excellent students of education; over 600 graduates were awarded orders and medals; In 1981, for achievements in training, KSPI was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. By 2011, the following faculties functioned: Physics and Mathematics with the departments: Mathematical Analysis, Algebra and Geometry, Physics, Informatics and Computing; geographical and biological: botany, zoology, anatomy and physiology, geography; philological: Russian and Komi languages, literature, cultural studies; foreign languages: English, German, French; technology and entrepreneurship: engineering, methods of teaching technology and entrepreneurship, automation and microprocessor technology; pedagogy and methods of primary education: pedagogy and methods of preschool education, developmental psychology, pedagogy and methods of primary education, methods of teaching Russian and Komi languages; additional professional education; additional teaching professions; general institute departments: history and economic theory, philosophy, sociology and political science, pedagogy, general psychology, foreign languages, physical education; in full-time and part-time departments – 3.9 thousand students, 26 graduate students. Educational and material base: three educational buildings, a dining room for 400 seats, five hostels, training workshops, 13 computer classes, a satellite television system, an intrauniversity information network, the Internet, a library, a publishing center, a botanical garden, a biological station (m. Kochchoy- Yag), KGPI history museum, a large sports and fitness halls, a ski base, summer sports grounds, two assembly halls. In 1991, the Komi Republican Internally-Correspondence Lyceum Boarding School for gifted children from rural areas was established at KSPI (more than 500 students in grades 9-11); in 2014 KGPI is attached to SSU.