One day in the life: foreign student

A new guest of our column was a student from Egypt — Mohamed Musa. He entered in Syktyvkar State University in early 2018. He is studying Russian now.— Tell me about your morning. In what time do you wake up and what do you have on breakfast?— My morning starts at 8 a.m. I prefer scrambled eggs for breakfast because it has a lot of protein and it is a quick dish to prepare. Then I wash my face and go to the University. It is about 15 minutes to go from my dorm to the University, so I slowly get ready and go.— Are you going to the university alone or with somebody?— Usually, I go with friends, but sometimes I’m very slow in the morning, and my friends don’t wait for me. Frankly, even some teachers noticed that I should be faster and get rid of laziness (laughs).— …

Ramadan far from home: is it easy?

One of the most sacred events of the Islamic calendar is the Holy month of Ramadan (Ramazan). Period, saturated with many rites, traditions and taboos that every believer awaits with trepidation. In 2019, the days of the month of Ramadan fall on the period from May 5 to June 3, when Muslims observe a strict fast(sauwm), completely refusing food and water in the daytime. There are students in Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University who are professing Islam. We asked the guys from Palestine, Egypt, Kyrgyzstan and Algeria to tell us about the month of Ramadan in their lives and how they keep the sauwm far from their homeland.Bakai Sydykov, Kyrgyzstan, 20 years oldAt the beginning of fast (sauwm), every Muslim expresses his or her personal intention to fast. The words of consent are pronounced daily putting as much sincerity into them as possible. Every year the dates of fasting are …