How to apply
To apply in Bachelor, Master, PhD, Exchange and Internship programs, create a Personal Account.
Fill in an online application and attach a copy of your passport and a copy of your education certificate.
Preparatory language programs
There are two possibilities for the admission to the preparatory program. The applicant can:
Apply within the quota for foreign citizens. To do this, applicant must submit his or her application and required documents to All the information about the application process is on the webpage.
Apply within the paid educational services. To do this, applicant must submit his or her application and the required documents to Piritim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University. (Contact form is found at the end this page.)
An applicant, who is applying within the paid educational services, is required submit the following documents:
Filled and printed application document
Document(s) about identity and citizenship (passport),
Document(s) about previous education,
Other document(s) if needed,
2 photos (3×4 cm)
Filled consent allowing processing of personal data.
For any questions about the application process, please contact the International Office of Piritim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University.